Analyze the way into the disease, then you will find the way out.
Karin Voit-Bak
HP and founder of INUS Health.
INUS Health is working to analyze, understand and reduce the increasing stress on the body caused by the environment and lifestyle.
Diseases rarely develop suddenly, but through a combination of congenital genetic and acquired stresses.
These include exogenous pollutants from the environment, production and food, as well as lifestyle stresses resulting from poor nutrition, stress, lack of exercise or inadequate recovery periods. Infections, medication and physical overload can be further negative factors. If the sum of these stresses exceeds the body's capacity, the path to illness begins.
If these stresses affect the body over a longer period of time, they can lead to adaptation syndrome and non-specific initial signs of illness. A condition in which you feel neither really ill nor really healthy. In specialist circles, this condition is referred to as sub-health syndrome and is increasingly seen as a precursor to chronic illnesses and autoimmune diseases.
For over 27 years, INUS Health has been researching new methods to relieve stress and developing pioneering solutions in the fields of diagnostics, therapy, orthomolecular medicine and further education.
In this way, INUS Health supports medical therapists worldwide in recognizing stress in good time and diagnosing and treating patients in a more targeted manner in the sense of precision medicine.
visionary & pioneering
The world's only further training course to become a Sub Health Coach, the specialist for functional medicine